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We carry out assessments for dyscalculia (our reports are accepted by the Dept. of Education & Skills/NEPS etc). Dyscalculia, sometimes referred to as Developmental Arithmetic Disorder or Mathematics Disorder, is a dyslexic-type disorder which affects mathematical ability. Performance in maths will be significantly below the level expected considering the person's general intelligence and level of education/schooling. As well as having difficulty completing mathematical calculations, the individual will often have a poor understanding of the rational(s) underpinning numerical operations.

People with dyscalculia tend to have difficulty remembering and applying maths tables. They may also have difficulty grasping and applying mathematical concepts such as those involving quantity, volume and time.

Research suggests that developmental dyscalculia is inherited. Usually there is a history of such learning difficulties in the family, with a parent, sibling, uncle, or grandparent having a similar type of learning difficulty.

Dyscalculia is diagnosed by examining an individual's performance across a number of cognitive and educational test batteries. Research shows that dyscalculia can be alleviated by appropriate interventions.